The bosses were either way too overwrought or just too simplistic I know it sounds nitpicky but it was a consistent weakness in all four games. While on the whole, I consider the four Arkham installments near perfect gaming experiences, one of the ways they consistently fell flat was at the final boss fights. Please know that my criticisms of the Arkham games are made with the deepest affection, but even true fans can get annoyed with, or cringe at, their favorite iconic series from time to time.

Welcome to part three of our retrospective series: 20 Things the Arkham Games got WRONG! ***WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!*** By Derbs on OctoWe’ve discussed 20 things the Batman: Arkham games series did right ( part 1 here & 2 here), but now it’s time to talk about the stuff that was…not so good.