This will automatically open up Zoom and start the meeting.Select Start Zoom Meeting to start a Zoom meeting session with your contact.Right click on the user you wish to hold a video meeting with.Note: The following will require you to log into your Zoom account. How to start a Zoom Meeting in Skype for Business Note: You will need to restart Skype for Business in order for the plugin to appear. Download and install the Zoom Client from the Zoom Download Center.Download and install the Zoom Lync Plugin from the Zoom Download Center.Prerequisites for using Skype for Business with Zoom How to start a Zoom meeting while in a Skype chat session.How to start a Zoom Meeting in Skype for Business.The Zoom Skype for Business (Lync) Plugin allows Lync users 2010, 2013 and Skype for Business users to initiate a Zoom meeting from the contact list. If joining a webinar, users joining through Skype for Business/Lync will join as panelists.